"When I despair, I remember that all through history the way of truth and love has always won. There have been tyrants and murderers and for a time they seem invincible, but in the end, they always fall — think of it, always." Mohandas Gandhi
In a time of universal deceit - telling the truth is a revolutionary act. George Orwell

Saturday, November 03, 2007

Backups do youtube, google, etc em GNU/Linux

Por vezes preciso de salvar interessantes clips e documentários de diversos sites online que usam ficheiros em flash vídeo, *.flv.

Fiz umas buscas no google e encontrei o que procurava para o nosso belo GNU/Linux, e como uso quer Debian GNU/Linux, quer a versão AMD64 do Ubuntu GNU/Linux, ainda se torna mais fácil instalá-los.

Os programas são o Clive e o Youtube-dl.

$sudo aptitude update
$sudo aptitude install clive youtube-dl

et voilá....downloads fresquinhos ;)

P.S. o clive até reconverte o formato flv:

Re-encode options:
Use the -y switch with ffmpeg to overwrite existing output files

--encoder=STRING e.g. --encoder="/usr/bin/ffmpeg -y -i %i %o"
-m, --mpeg re-encode extracted video to mpeg
-a, --avi re-encode extracted video to avi
-f, --flv re-encode extracted video to flv
-E, --no-encode explicitly turn off re-encoding

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