"When I despair, I remember that all through history the way of truth and love has always won. There have been tyrants and murderers and for a time they seem invincible, but in the end, they always fall — think of it, always." Mohandas Gandhi
In a time of universal deceit - telling the truth is a revolutionary act. George Orwell

Monday, February 18, 2008

Guerra ao Terror baseada em mentiras

Já neste blog por diversas vezes escrevi sobre a campanha de desinformação levada a cabo pela administração dos USA e pelos media desde país sobre esta aldrabice a que resolveram chamar de Guerra ao Terror.

Um pouco por todo o lado, desde os USA, passando pelo Japão e agora também na Austrália mais vozes se elevam ,e bem, na tentativa de demonstrar que esta guerra não passa de uma enorme mentira com o único objectivo de levar os USA para mais guerras de conquista de territórios ricos em Petróleo e Gás natural.


911truth.org ::::: The 9/11 Truth Movement
Upcoming Sydney Conference to Demonstrate Why Australia’s War on Terror is Based on a Lie

Sydney, Australia, February 7, 2008 – Sydney Truth Action of Australia will host an International Conference “Truth Now Sydney Conference” to critically examine the events of 9/11 and Australia’s Participation in the War on Terror. The theme being "Did Australia go to war in Iraq and Afghanistan on a false pretext?”. The conference focus will be on what really occurred on September 11th 2001 and what has been done in the name of those events by the Australian government. The conference will also address how the US and Australian governments have actively sponsored, or been complicit in the cover-up, of terrorism.

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