"When I despair, I remember that all through history the way of truth and love has always won. There have been tyrants and murderers and for a time they seem invincible, but in the end, they always fall — think of it, always." Mohandas Gandhi
In a time of universal deceit - telling the truth is a revolutionary act. George Orwell

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Instalar flash 10 em Debian/Kubuntu/Ubuntu AMD64 - afinal não funciona :(


Afinal o problema era a extensão Flashblock, parece que o flash10 e talvez o flash9, não gostam muito no FF3.


Afinal continua a dar bronca, agora nem o konqueror funciona, o Firefox3 funciona a meio gás, no youtube funciona quando lhe apetece, no Vimeo funciona sempre....arrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeee mas quando é que os gajos da Adobe lançam o plugin para AMD64....

Alguém pode ajudar?
Obrigado desde já!

Desta vez tendo feito um upgrade ao meu Kubuntu e tendo ficado tudo ok, ainda assim resolvi apagar uma data de tralha que tinha para aqui e resolvi deixar os 32Bits e passar ao AMD64, só a home ficou e muito bem, aliás poupou logo uma data de pequenas configurações.

Mas o flash 9 tem-me dado dores de cabeça, ainda não percebi se é dele próprio, do Firefox3 do nspluginwraper ou de falta de jeito mesmo, mas a verdade é que apesar de instalado e de funcionar bem no Konqueror e no Firefox3 quando o arranco, neste últimi passado algum tempo de eu ter o browser aberto deixa de funcionar, só relançando de novo o browser é que a coisa vai lá, o que não me dá muito jeito, porque sou viciado em TABS, tenho neste momento 64 abertas e preciso delas.

Fiz uma busca na net para ver se havia alguma maneira mais célere de instalar o flash10, e encontrei esta dica para o instalar.

Funcionou, pelo menos para já, mas tive de fazer mais um comando para o flash10 arrancar, o qual não está completo neste howto:

$sudo nspluginwrapper -v -a -u

Por fim, entrando no Firefox3 e fazendo:


deverá aparecer:

Shockwave Flash

File name: npwrapper.libflashplayer.so
Shockwave Flash 10.0 b218
MIME Type Description Suffixes Enabled
application/x-shockwave-flash Shockwave Flash swf Yes
application/futuresplash FutureSplash Player spl Yes

Install Adobe Flash Player 10 on Ubuntu 64bit - My Science Is Better
1. Make sure you don't have any other flash plugin installed on your system:
sudo apt-get remove -y --purge flashplugin-nonfree gnash gnash-common mozilla-plugin-gnash swfdec-mozilla libflashsupport nspluginwrapper

1.1 To be sure we don't have any other old flash libs let's cleanup the folders where it usually resides:
sudo rm -f /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/*flash*
sudo rm -f ~/.mozilla/plugins/*flash*
sudo rm -f /usr/lib/firefox/plugins/*flash*
sudo rm -rfd /usr/lib/nspluginwrapper

2. Install ia32-libs and latest nspluginwrapper
sudo apt-get install ia32-libs nspluginwrapper

3. Download the latest flash player from Adobe Labs and extract it:
cd ~
wget http://download.macromedia.com/pub/labs/flashplayer10/flashplayer10_install_linux_051508.tar.gz
tar zxvf flashplayer10_install_linux_051508.tar.gz
sudo cp install_flash_player_10_linux/libflashplayer.so /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/
rm -rf ~/install_flash_player_10_linux/

4. Use nspluginwrapper to install the plugin and link it to firefox
sudo nspluginwrapper -i /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/libflashplayer.so
sudo ln -sf /usr/lib/nspluginwrapper/plugins/npwrapper.libflashplayer.so /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/
sudo ln -sf /usr/lib/nspluginwrapper/plugins/npwrapper.libflashplayer.so /usr/lib/firefox-addons/plugins/

in My Science Is Better

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Ataques de Anthrax nos EUA vieram do próprio exército dos EUA

Logo após os atentados de 11 de Setembro de 2001, assistiu-se a diversas operações chamadas de "False Flag" com técnicas de "PsyOps", guerra psicológica.

Nas notícias todos os dias eramos bombardeados com supostos ataques da Al-Qaeda usando Anthrax.

Segundo diversas informaçõs, desde o Washington Post, passando pela NewScientist, não deixam margens para dúvidas, os ataques foram planeados e levados a cabo por quem tinha acesso a um dos locais mais seguros do mundo, as instalações de armas biológicas dos EUA, em Fort Detrick.

George Washington's Blog: Even Fort Detrick Scientists Themselves Think the Killer Anthrax Came from their Facility
"Fort Detrick is run by the United States Army. It's the most secure biological warfare research center in the United States," a bioterrorism expert told FOX News."
Três dos quatro suspeitos que o FBI investiga, são empregados dessas instalações militares

Anthrax attack bug "identical" to army strain - 09 May 2002 - New Scientist
The DNA sequence of the anthrax sent through the US mail in 2001 has been revealed and confirms suspicions that the bacteria originally came from a US military laboratory.

The data released uses codenames for the reference strains against which the attack strain was compared. But New Scientist can reveal that the two reference strains that appear identical to the attack strain most likely originated at the US Army Medical Research Institute for Infectious Diseases at Fort Detrick (USAMRIID), Maryland.

The new work also shows that substantial genetic differences can emerge in two samples of an anthrax culture separated for only three years. This means the attacker's anthrax was not separated from its ancestors at USAMRIID for many generations.

George Washington's Blog: Even Fort Detrick Scientists Themselves Think the Killer Anthrax Came from their Facility
There is strong evidence that the anthrax attacks were a false flag attack. Indeed, the bioweapons expert who actually drafted the current bioweapons law (the Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989) while working for President George H.W. Bush has said that he is convinced the October 2001 anthrax attacks that killed five people were perpetrated and covered up by criminal elements of the U.S. government. The motive: to foment a police state by killing off and intimidating opposition to post-9/11 legislation such as the USA PATRIOT Act and the later Military Commissions Act. See also this.

At the very least, the FBI and the White House are actively covering up for the person who really did it.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Proibido usar laptops, ipods, mp3 players, telemóveis, etc - "Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA)" - Mais um atentado às Liberdades

A administração dos EUA, em conjunto com o Canada e a UE, preparam-se para aprovar mais um tratado que trata todos os cidadãos destas regiões como criminosos.

A lei, com o pomposo nome de "Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA)", nada mais é do que mais uma forma de defender as todas poderosas multinacionais e as suas já famosas defensoras como a RIAA e a MPAA bem como as suas congéneres.

Mas não ficam só pela fiscalização de tudo o que levamos nesses aparelhos quando nos deslocamos a cada uma dessas regiões, já de si era triste ser-mos tratados como traficantes de narcóticos, mas em casa também vamos ser tratados como criminosos, uma vez que esta lei, acordo, pretende que os ISP's entreguem informação confidencial sobre os usos da rede internet dos seus utilizadores sem um mandato do tribunal.

Ou seja, querem transformar as polícias e as alfândegas em polícias de copyright, e o mais extraordinário é que os agentes teriam a responsabilidade de determinar qual é o material que infringe ou não esse suposto acordo/lei.

Sempre quero ver como no local vão provar que os ficheiros ogg vorbis ou flac que criei a partir de cd's que adquiri legalmente são legais ou não, ou os filmes que tenho em Xdiv, Theora ou x264.

Uma outra agravante é os supostos agentes que vão vasculhar a nossa vida pessoal, poderem processar-nos sem que haja queixa por parte da suposta entidade que estaríamos a "prejudicar".

E ainda dizem que existe democracia e liberdade, estamos a caminhar para algo bem pior que a ex-URSS, Cuba, Coreia do Norte, pelo menos lá tinha e tem-se consciência que não existe realmente respeito pela dignidade humana, pelas mais simples liberdades, enquanto que cada vez mais na UE/UK/USA/Canada/AUS não as tendo ou cada vez mais as perdendo, usam-se todos os subterfúgios para mascarar a sua falta.

É um fartar Vilanagem!.

Está na altura de começar a encriptar tudo.

Como utilizador de Software Livre tenho à mão excelentes ferramentas, que felizmente estão também disponíveis nas outras plataformas, ferramentas tais como o excelente GNUpg, T r u e C r y p t, e a extensão para o gmail, FireGPG.
Ainda podemos tornar anónima a nossa navegação na web, usando o Tor em conjunto com o Firefox, bem como encriptar as comunicações que efectuamos em Instant Messaging e VoIP, como o OpenWengo.

Copyright deal could toughen rules governing info on iPods, computers
Called the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA), the new plan would see Canada join other countries, including the United States and members of the European Union, to form an international coalition against copyright infringement.

Copyright deal could toughen rules governing info on iPods, computers
The deal would create a international regulator that could turn border guards and other public security personnel into copyright police. The security officials would be charged with checking laptops, iPods and even cellular phones for content that "infringes" on copyright laws, such as ripped CDs and movies.

The guards would also be responsible for determining what is infringing content and what is not.

Copyright deal could toughen rules governing info on iPods, computers
The agreement proposes any content that may have been copied from a DVD or digital video recorder would be open for scrutiny by officials - even if the content was copied legally.

Copyright deal could toughen rules governing info on iPods, computers
The leaked ACTA document states officials should be given the "authority to take action against infringers (i.e., authority to act without complaint by rights holders)."

Anyone found with infringing content in their possession would be open to a fine.

They may also have their device confiscated or destroyed, according to the four-page document.

The trade agreement includes "civil enforcement" measures which give security personnel the "authority to order ex parte searches" (without a lawyer present) "and other preliminary measures".

Monday, May 26, 2008

Tese de estudante sobre a Al-Qaeda leva-o à prisão

Isto é cada vez mais de loucos, agora porque um estudante, resolve estudar as tácticas da suposta organização terrorista Al-Qaeda, prendem-no porque fez downloads de documentos referentes a esta.

Nem sequer a informação prestada por parte dos seus supervisores da Universidade de Nottingham lhe valeu.

De referir que o documento sobre a Al-Qaeda foi puxado a partir de um site governamental dos EUA.

Qualquer dia estão a deter os historiadores.

Haja paciência!
Parece que desta vez é preciso mesmo uma REVOLUÇÃO, mas a nível Mundial!

Student researching al-Qaida tactics held for six days | higher news | EducationGuardian.co.uk
Student researching al-Qaida tactics held for six days

· Lecturers fear threat to academic freedom

· Manual downloaded from US government website

Polly Curtis and Martin Hodgson

Saturday May 24, 2008

The Guardian

A masters student researching terrorist tactics who was arrested and detained for six days after his university informed police about al-Qaida-related material he downloaded has spoken of the "psychological torture" he endured in custody.

Despite his Nottingham University supervisors insisting the materials were directly relevant to his research, Rizwaan Sabir, 22, was held for nearly a week under the Terrorism Act, accused of downloading the materials for illegal use. The student had obtained a copy of the al-Qaida training manual from a US government website for his research into terrorist tactics.

The case highlights what lecturers are claiming is a direct assault on academic freedom led by the government which, in its attempt to establish a "prevent agenda" against terrorist activity, is putting pressure on academics to become police informers.

in Guardian

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Mail ao IPQ relativo ao apelo da África do Sul

Acabo de enviar aos (i)responsáveis do IPQ este mail, se lhes mostrar-mos o nosso descontentamento pode ser que vão acordando da letargia m$...

Os contactos estão aqui.
Exm.ºs Senhora e Senhores,

Caros Representantes do IPQ,

O meu nome é Ricardo Nunes, trabalho há cerca de 10 anos na área da informática.

Tendo em conta que vivemos num mundo globalizado e onde diversos sistemas têm de interagir, onde a INTEROPERABILIDADE tem de ser assegurada, venho por este meio recomendar-lhes a leitura do apelo submetido ao ISO/IEC pelo organismo responsável pela normalização da África do Sul, a respeito da avaliação da DIS29500 enquanto norma ISO.


Deixo já aqui a conclusão do documento enviado pela África do Sul:


In conclusion, South Africa challenges the validity of the final vote that we contend was based upon inadequate information resulting from poorly conducted BRM. Moreover, we challenge the validity of a process that, from beginning to end, required all parties involved to analyze far too much information in far too little time, involved a BRM that did not remotely provide enough time to perform the appointed purpose of that procedure, and for which an arbitrary time limitation was imposed to discuss and resolve a significant number of substantial responses, despite the Directives for not requiring any such limitation as to duration.

It is our opinion that the process followed during all stages of this fast track has harmed the reputations of both ISO and the IEC and brought the processes enshrined in the Direcives into disrepute, and that this negative publicity has, in turn, also harmed the reputations of all member bodies of ISO and the IEC.

Yours faithfully


Mr M Kuscus
South African Bureau of Standards (SABS)

Agradeço a atenção,
Sem mais de momento,


Listas de livros, comprados recentemente e a adquirir nos próximos tempos....

Apesar de nos últimos tempos ter gasto um bocadito em livros, estou a criar mais uma listinha, infelizmente não serão quase de certeza para adquirir na feira do livro, uma vez que por lá não aparecem os que quero adquirir, uma vez que quase na sua maioria não existem traduções e sairiam mais caros.

Ainda não consegui meter na cabeça porque carga de água não se vendem livros estrangeiros na feira do livro, afinal são livros.

Últimamente adquiri estes excelentes livros, infelizmente não tenho tido tempo de ler tanto quanto queria.

Livros adquiridos

by Webster Griffin Tarpley (Author)
"In some ways she was far more acute than Winston, and far less susceptible to Party propaganda..."

The 9/11 Commission Report: Omissions And Distortions by David Ray Griffin (Paperback - Nov 30, 2004)

Freedom Next Time by John Pilger (Paperback - Jul 3, 2007)

The Web of Deceit: Britain's Real Role in the World by Mark Curtis (Paperback - May 15, 2003) - Import

Livros a adquirir

Censored 2007: The Top 25 Censored Stories (Censored) (Paperback)by Peter Phillips (Author), Project CensoredRobert Jensen (Introduction)

Censored 2007: The Top 25 Censored Stories (Censored)

"The best-selling Censored series highlights the year's twenty-five most important underreported news stories, alerting readers to deficiencies in corporate media and the resurgence of alternative media. Among the top censored stories of the year, Censored 2007
highlights the environmental and economic repercussions of Hurricane Katrina, the newest findings on global warming, escalating trends in human trafficking, and the use of napalm in Iraq."

9/11 Contradictions: An Open Letter to Congress and the Press by David Ray Griffin (Paperback - Mar 2008)

The New Rulers of the World by John Pilger (Paperback - April 2003)

Friday, May 23, 2008

Oil for Dummies - "The Role of the Market Speculation in Rising Oil and Gas Prices, Senate Staff Report"

Este excelente relatório do Senado dos EUA explica o porquê do elevadissimo preço do barril de crude, e nada tem a ver com as leis de oferta e procura, aliás as reservas dos EUA nunca estiveram tão altas e só o DOD - departamento de defesa dos EUA - gasta num dia o equivalente à Suécia toda.

Chamo a atenção especialmente para o ponto 4.

The Role of the Market Speculation in Rising Oil and Gas Prices, Senate Staff Report

Published June 27, 2006

The U.S. Senate’s Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations conducted an investigation of market speculation and oil/gas prices. They reported the following findings and recommendations:

“A. Findings

1. Rise in Speculation. Over the past few years speculators have expended tens of billions of dollars in U.S. energy commodity

2. Speculation Has Increased Prices. Speculation has contributed to rising U.S. energy prices, but gaps in available market data
currently impede analysis of the specific amount of speculation, the commodity trades involved, the markets affected, and the extent of price impacts.

3. Price-Inventory Relationship Altered. With respect to crude oil, the influx of speculative dollars appears to have altered the historical relationship between price and inventory, leading the current oil market to be characterized by both large inventories
and high prices.

4. Large Trader Reports Essential. CFTC access to daily reports of large trades of energy commodities is essential to its ability to detect and deter price manipulation. The CFTC’s ability to detect and deter energy price manipulation is suffering from critical information gaps, because traders on OTC electronic exchanges and the London ICE Futures are currently exempt from CFTC reporting requirements. Large trader reporting is also essential to analyze the effect of speculation on energy prices.

5. ICE Impact on Energy Prices. ICE’s filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission and other evidence indicate that its
over-the-counter electronic exchange performs a price discovery function — and thereby affects U.S. energy prices — in the cash market for the energy commodities traded on that exchange.


Thursday, May 22, 2008

Notícias interessantes - Baltasar Garzón quer julgar Bush por Crimes de Guerra (upd)

Algumas notícias interessantes:

RockCreekFreePress Articles
Spanish Judge Calls for Bush to be Tried for War Crimes

Judge Baltasar Garzón, sometimes callled “Super Judge”
sits on Spains second highest criminal court.


Baltasar Garzón, the Spanish judge who sought to prosecute Chilean dictator General Augusto Pinochet, has called for US President George W. Bush and his allies to be tried for war crimes over Iraq.

Writing in El Pais on the fourth anniversary of the invasion, Garzón stated, “Today, March 20, marks four years since the formal start of the war on Iraq. Instigated by the United States and Great Britain, and supported by Spain among other countries, one of the most sordid and unjustifiable episodes in recent human history began.

“Breaking every international law, and under the pretext of the war against terror, there has taken place since 2003 a devastating attack on the rule of law and against the very essence of the international community. In its path, institutions such as the United Nations were left in tatters, from which it has not yet recovered.” “Instead of commemorating the war,” Garzón continues, “we should be horrified, screaming and demonstrating against the present massacre created as a consequence of that war.”

He then writes that George W. Bush and his allies should eventually face war crimes charges for their actions in Iraq: “We should look more deeply into the possible criminal responsibility of the people who are, orwere, responsible for this war and see whether there is sufficient evidence to make them answer for it.” “For many it would be merely a question of political responsibility, but judicial actions in the US are beginning to emerge, as is the case of the verdict passed on one of vicepresident Cheney’s collaborators, [I. Lewis Libby] which point in a different direction.”

The Creek
Are the Bin Laden Tapes Fake?

Kristina Borjesson, BuzzFlash

Late in December 2007, The Associated Press reporter Salah Nasrawi wrote a story about a bin Laden audiotape that had just been released. Headlined "bin Laden Threatens Israel, Warns Iraqis," Nasrawi's piece details Osama's dire threats to expand al Qaeda's jihad in Israel and to "liberate Palestine, the whole of Palestine from the (Jordan) river to the sea," threatening "blood for blood, destruction for destruction."

Then, 11 paragraphs down, Nasrawi writes: "The authenticity of the tape could not be independently confirmed. But the voice resembled that of bin Laden. The tape was posted on an Islamic militant web site where al-Qaeda's media arm, Al-Sahab, issues the group's messages."

If the tape can't be vetted, it shouldn't be used. That's Journalism 101. At the very least, the fact that it can't be authenticated should be mentioned in the story's title and continuously mentioned throughout the story as the quotes are being used. Worse, all the mainstream TV outlets picked up on Nasrawi's story and liberally quoted "bin Laden" without bothering to use the word "purported" or another adjective indicating they had no proof it was bin Laden on the tape. Collectively, what these journalists are doing is worse than outright lying to the public. They are literally helping dangerous people with deadly hidden agendas create a virtual reality by unquestioningly conveying their messages.

RockCreekFreePress Articles
40 Years Since RFK Assassination, Mounting Evidence of CIA Involvement


Robert F. Kennedy was assassinated 40 years ago this month at the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles. Sirhan B. Sirhan, a 24 year old immigrant, is the alleged lone gunman and is presently serving a life sentence.

In a new book, An Open and Shut Case, Dr. Robert Joling and Philip Van Praag have joined a growing list of people who don’t believe that Sirhan acted alone.

Joling and Van Praag, both forensic scientists, claim that after analyzing audio recordings of the assassination they have concluded that at least 13 shots were fired. The handgun Sirhan used only had the capacity to fire eight shots. They believe that there were two guns and that the fatal shot came from behind Robert Kennedy, while witnesses claim that Sirhan was in front of Kennedy. According to a March 27, 2008 ABC report by Pierre Thomas, Joling claims, “It can be established conclusively that Sirhan did not shoot Senator Kennedy. And in fact not only did he not do it, he could not have done it.”

RockCreekFreePress Articles
Navy Releases McCain's Records

USS Forrestal, July 29, 1967 - The worst accident aboard a US Navy surface vessel since WWII


The Navy released John McCain’s military record after a Freedom of Information Act request from the Associated Press. The record is packed with information on McCain’s medals and commendations but little else. The one thing that the McCain campaign does not want to see released is the record of McCain’s antics on board the USS Forestal in 1967. McCain was personally responsible for the deadliest fire in the history of the US Navy. That catastrophe, with 27 dead and over 100 wounded trumps McCain’s record as a prisoner of war in North Vietnam.

WMR has learned additional details regarding the deadly fire aboard the Navy aircraft carrier, the USS Forrestal, on July 19, 1967 in the Gulf of Tonkin. The additional details point to then-Lt. Commander John McCain playing more of a role in triggering the fire and explosions than previously reported.

RockCreekFreePress Articles
Rice Directed Torture from White House

Condi Rice


In December 2005, Condoleezza Rice testified to Congress “The United States does not permit, tolerate or condone torture under any circumstances.”

But ABC News has now revealed that during 2002 and 2003, Rice led dozens of meetings to discuss specific torture techniques with the National Security Council Principals Committee in the White House Situation Room. The committee included Vice President Dick Cheney and former Bush aides Attorney General John Ashcroft, CIA Director George Tenet, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld and Secretary of State Colin Powell. They approved using the “enhanced interrogation techniques” of sleep deprivation, waterboarding, sexual assault, pushing and slapping.

Ventura Breaks Through Mainstream Media Dam With 9/11 Questions
Ventura Breaks Through Mainstream Media Dam With 9/11 Questions
Jesse 'The Mind' Defends Questions About Towers' Telling Collapse on Hannity & Colmes and National Talk Radio Programs: "How can two planes bring down three buildings?"

Aaron Dykes / Jones Report | April 8, 2008

Former Governor Jesse Ventura broke through enemy lines yesterday, exposing major inconsistencies with the official 9/11 story and holding his own against some of mainstream media's most disingenuous hosts, including Fox News' Sean Hannity and Opie & Anthony from XM Satellite radio.

The Creek
FBI Refuses to Turn Over Documentation
Used to Identify 9/11 Planes

By Matt Sullivan
The FBI claims that federal investigators made no attempt to identify plane wreckage pursuant to the investigation of 9/11. Researcher Aidan Monaghan submitted a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request to the FBI seeking documents “revealing the process by which wreckage recovered by defendant, from aircraft used during the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, was positively identified by defendant . . . as belonging to said aircraft”

In response, Assistant U.S. Attorney Patrick A. Rose, representing the FBI, states;. “The identities of the airplanes hijacked in the September 11 attacks was never in question, and, therefore, there were no records generated” pursuant to the identification of the aircraft.

In other words, in the case of the greatest crime in US history, involving the greatest loss of civilian life ever, with nearly 3000 dead, the FBI claims that it made no attempt to formally identify the remains of the murder weapons. This would certainly seem to be a monumental oversight and incompetent blunder if it was true, but the publicly available information suggests that counsel’s statements are false on at least two counts.

RockCreekFreePress Articles
From the Gulf of Tonkin to the Strait of Hormuz

Photos of patrol boats then and now

Matt Sullivan

To anyone old enough to remember the Vietnam War, the similarities between the recent Iranian speedboat encounter and the 1964 Gulf of Tonkin incident are hard to miss. The Navy claimed, in August 1964, that the destroyer Maddox had come under attack by small North Vietnamese gunboats. This “confrontation” was seized upon by war hawks in the Johnson administration and used as the justification for “The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution”, a dramatic escalation of hostilities in southeast Asia. There’s only one problem with the Tonkin incident­—it never happened.

It’s been suspected for many years that the Tonkin Gulf incident was a fraud, but official acknowledgement has been a long time coming. In October 2005, the New York Times reported that Robert J. Hanyok, a historian for the U.S. National Security Agency, had concluded that the NSA deliberately distorted the intelligence reports that it had passed on to policy-makers regarding the incident. A full report was released in January 2008 by the National Security Agency and published by the Federation of American Scientists (FAS).

RockCreekFreePress Articles
Japanese Diet Debates 9/11Truth

On January 11, extraordinary testimony from Japan’s upper house of legislature (Diet) was transmitted into Japanese homes and offices nationwide. For over 20 minutes, Yukihisa Fujita, an opposition party leader of the upper house and member of the Defense and Foreign Affairs Committee, challenged the Prime Minister and cabinet ministers to justify Japan’s continued participation in the US global war on terror. He questioned the ministers as to what proof, if any, the US has offered as to the facts of 9/11.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Espionagem doméstica na Administração Bush

Se os EUA neste momento não são uma sociedade/Estado policial, muito pouco faltará.

Cada vez o governo entra mais pela casa a dentro das pessoas sem lhes pedir licença, sem mandatos sem nada.
Habeas Corpus, já era, mandatos, para lá caminham.
Podemos sempre agradecer ao Patriot Act.

Esta legislação abrangente reforçava os poderes policiais do Estado em muitas áreas. O "Patriot Act" dava às forças de segurança autoridade para, entre outras possibilidades, detenções de suspeitos de terrorismo sem culpa formada, escutas sem autorização de tribunais, pesquisas em bases de dados desde registos bancários aos ficheiros de livros requisitados em bibliotecas.

Quem deu a cara pelo "Patriot Act" foi sobretudo John Ashcroft, o "attorney general" (semelhante a ministro da Justiça), muito criticado por inúmeras organizações cívicas por querer impor restrições à privacidade e à liberdade de expressão.

The clumsily-titled Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act of 2001 (USA PATRIOT Act, or USAPA) introduced a plethora of legislative changes which significantly increased the surveillance and investigative powers of law enforcement agencies in the United States. The Act did not, however, provide for the system of checks and balances that traditionally safeguards civil liberties in the face of such legislation.

Legislative proposals in response to the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 were introduced less than a week after the attacks. President Bush signed the final bill, the USA PATRIOT Act, into law on October 26, 2001. Though the Act made significant amendments to over 15 important statutes, it was introduced with great haste and passed with little debate, and without a House, Senate, or conference report. As a result, it lacks background legislative history that often retrospectively provides necessary statutory interpretation.

The Act was a compromise version of the Anti-Terrorism Act of 2001 (ATA), a far-reaching legislative package intended to strengthen the nation's defense against terrorism. The ATA contained several provisions vastly expanding the authority of law enforcement and intelligence agencies to monitor private communications and access personal information. The final legislation included a few beneficial additions from the Administration's initial proposal: most notably, a so-called sunset provision (which provides that several sections of the act automatically expire after a certain period of time, unless they are explicitly renewed by Congress) on some of the electronic surveillance provisions, and an amendment providing judicial oversight of law enforcement's use of the FBI's Carnivore system.

However, the USA PATRIOT Act retains provisions appreciably expanding government investigative authority, especially with respect to the Internet. Those provisions address issues that are complex and implicate fundamental constitutional protections of individual liberty, including the appropriate procedures for interception of information transmitted over the Internet and other rapidly evolving technologies.

The death of habeas corpus - Countdown with Keith Olbermann- msnbc.com
The president has now succeeded where no one has before. He’s managed to
kill the writ of habeas corpus. Tonight, a special investigation, how
that, in turn, kills nothing less than your Bill of Rights. Because the
Mark Foley story began to break on the night of September 28, exploding
the following day, many people may not have noticed the bill passed by
the Senate that night.
Congress passed the Military Commission’s Act to give Mr. Bush the power to deal effectively with America’s enemies—those who seek to harm the country. He has been very clear on who he thinks that is.

Os casos são cada vez mais conhecidos, tal como o da AT&T, e agora este Spying on Americans without warrants, charges based on secret evidence, a small town divided by fear. Welcome to the world of Bush's "specially designated global terrorists."

Salon.com News | Blacklisted by the Bush government
Ever since a New York Times report uncovered warrantless domestic spying by the Bush administration, the issue of NSA surveillance and the 1978 law governing it has been intensely scrutinized and debated. Until now, however, little attention has been paid to dubious activities directly connected with the domestic spying. The Bush administration has used expanded national security powers to undermine the legal rights of people in the United States who are identified as al-Qaida supporters, but who are not charged with terrorist-related crimes. The U.S. Treasury Department and other agencies investigating domestic organizations and U.S. persons rely on the NSA to spy and collect evidence for them -- a fundamental shift from the past, when the NSA's vast eavesdropping powers were used only for foreign intelligence gathering. And in the name of protecting national security, the Bush administration has regularly withheld what it claims is key evidence against those accused -- insisting, essentially, that the public accept without question its private conclusions about the suspects' guilt.

AT&T Whistle-Blower's Evidence
AT&T Whistle-Blower's Evidence
05.17.06 | 2:00 AM

Former AT&T technician Mark Klein is the key witness in the Electronic Frontier Foundation's class-action lawsuit against the company, which alleges that AT&T illegally cooperated in an illegal National Security Agency domestic-surveillance program.

In this recently surfaced statement, Klein details his discovery of an alleged surveillance operation in an AT&T office in San Francisco, and offers his interpretation of company documents that he believes support his case.

Poderão pensar as pessoas que isto só afecta os cidadãos dos EUA, de certa forma sim, mas indo um pouco mais além, os cinco países anglófonos, USA/UK/AUS/CAN/NZ, são as principais bases do sistema Echelon, um dicionário que actua em todas as frentes de telecomunicações para espiar quer os cidadãos destes países quer os do resto do mundo, como aliás provou a UE, através de um comité presidido por um português.

ECHELON - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
ECHELON is a name used in global media and in popular culture to describe a signals intelligence collection and analysis network operated on behalf of the five signatory states to the UKUSA agreement; Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and the United States, known as AUSCANZUKUS.[1]

The system has been reported in a number of public sources.[2] Its capabilities and political implications were investigated by a committee of the European Parliament during 2000 and 2001 with a report published in 2001.[3]

Saturday, May 17, 2008

A beleza de Portugal

Palavras para quê....

A lindíssima ilha de São Miguel, Açores!

Ilha de São Miguel - Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre
"São Miguel é a maior das ilhas do arquipélago dos Açores. Com uma superfície de 746,82 km², mede 64,7 quilómetros de comprimento e de 8-15 km de largura e conta com uma população de 131 609 habitantes (2001), mais 4,5% que uma década antes. É composta pelos concelhos de Lagoa, Nordeste, Ponta Delgada, Povoação, Ribeira Grande e Vila Franca do Campo. Designada por Ilha Verde, aquando da sua descoberta por volta de 1426/1439, começou a ser povoada (por cerca de 1440) por portugueses e por judeus, mouros e franceses.

A tão aludida Lagoa das Sete Cidades, com as suas duas lagoas - azul e verde - limitadas por uma caldeira, o ilhéu de Vila Franca, reserva natural, assim como o Vale das Furnas, com as suas fumarolas, de águas e lamas quentes e medicinais, são apenas alguns exemplos dos inúmeros pontos atractivos que São Miguel apresenta.

O sector primário constitui a principal actividade económica da ilha, sobretudo a área agrícola. Lagoa, Nordeste, Ponta Delgada, Povoação, Ribeira Grande e Vila Franca do Campo são os concelhos da ilha. O natural ou habitante da ilha de São Miguel denomina-se micaelense.

São Miguel é também conhecida como ilha Verde, devido às suas pastagens infinitas.

Os pontos de interesse turístico são variados. O Vale das Furnas, o verdadeiro ex-libris da ilha tem uma visão paradisíaca com o vapor das caldeiras, a água a ferver que se mistura e envolve com a beleza da lagoa. É um cenário difícil de descrever.

Um dos pontos de interesse da ilha é a Lagoa do Fogo, que se situa na Serra de Água de Pau, bem como a Lagoa do Congro, localizada a poucos quilômetros da Vila Franca do Campo.

A Lagoa das Sete Cidades é a outra das três grandes lagoas da ilha. Com uma cratera de grandes dimensões, está divida em duas partes, chamadas respectivamente de azul e verde."

in Wikipedia

Reality Check....

The Truth Seeker - Who Really Runs The World? Part I
"The world is governed by far different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes” Benjamin Disraeli


“There is no such thing... as an independent press... There is not one of you who dares to write your honest opinions, and if you did, you know beforehand that it would never appear in print. I am paid for keeping my honest opinion out of the paper I am connected with. Others of you are paid salaries for similar things, and any of you who would be so foolish as to write honest opinions would be out on the streets looking for another job! We are the tools and vassals of rich men behind the scenes... they pull the strings and we dance. We are intellectual prostitutes.”

John Swinton, a chief of staff to the New York Times addressing the New York Press Club 1953.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Números que dão que pensar! Terrorismo vs Invasões a países e fome no mundo

Hoje lembrei-me de um artigo escrito por Elias Davidsson - The 'war on terrorism' - a double fraud on humanity (Paper presented by the author at the XVI Congress of the International Association of Democratic Lawyers, Paris, June 7-11, 2005. The IADL is an NGO with Consultative Status at the OSOC and UNESCO) - que li há já algum tempo atrás mas que me fez pensar bastante sobre os reais números das trapalhadas dos EUA/NATO/UE vs Al-Qaeda e outros supostos grupos terroristas e ataques dos mesmos vs Pessoas que morrem à fome por todo o mundo.

Sim, quer a UE quer a NATO estão metidas nisto até ao pescoço, não nos podemos esquecer que a intervenção no Afeganistão, que já estava planeada mais de 6 meses antes dos supostos ataques "surpresa" de 11 de Setembro 2001, foi levada a cabo pela NATO.

Como já referi no post anterior sobre os preços de bens essenciais, trigo, arroz, milho e crude, tudo não passa de fantochada para carneirinhos verem e comerem, a realidade é bem diferente daquela que todos os dias os media nos apresentam, afinal têm de jogar o jogo dos seus donos, não passam de fantoches e papagaios.

Vamos então a números reais para verificar-mos se na realidade esta gente anda mesmo a combater os verdadeiros males do mundo, dificilmente o farão, quando são eles mesmos que os cometem, mas vamos lá provar que a chamada "guerra ao terrorismo" não passa de uma farsa!

Números de vítimas de atentados terroristas entre 2000 e 2003, ou seja números que englobam os atentados de 11 Setembro 2001.

"According to the statistical database of the U.S. Department of State (referred to above), the number of worldwide fatal casualties of terrorism, all nationalities combined, was the following:"

Year Number of fatal casualties:

2000 2,494
2001 4,379
2002 2,723 (source: http://www.tkb.org)
2003 2,385 (source: http://www.tkb.org)

Números de crianças que morrem antes dos 5 anos:

"Although approximately 10.5 million children under 5 years of age still die every year in the world, progress has been made since 1970, when the figure was more than 17 million. These reductions did not take place uniformly across time and regions, but the success stories in developing countries demonstrate clearly that low mortality levels are attainable in those settings. The effects of such achievements are not to be underestimated. If the whole world were able to share the current child mortality experience of Iceland (the lowest in the world in 2002), over 10 million child deaths could be prevented each year."

Números de vítimas de atentados terroristas depois do 11 de Setembro, incluindo os atentados de 7/7 2005 em Inglaterra e os de 11 Março de 2004 em Espanha:

Incidents of Terrorism Worldwide




Terror attacks worldwide




Attacks resulting in at least one death, injury, or kidnapping




Attacks resulting in at least one death




Attacks resulting in the death of zero people




Attacks resulting in the death of only one person




Attacks resulting in the death of at least 10 people




Attacks resulting in the injury of at least one person




Attacks resulting in the kidnapping of at least one person




People killed, injured or kidnapped as a result of terror attacks




People worldwide killed as a result of terror attacks




People worldwide injured as a result of terror attacks




People worldwide kidnapped as a result of terror attacks




Incidents of Terrorism in Iraq and Afghanistan*




Terror attacks in Iraq




Attacks resulting in at least one death, injury, or kidnapping




People killed, injured, or kidnapped as a result of terrorism







Terror attacks in Afghanistan




Attacks resulting in at least one death, injury, or kidnapping




People killed, injured, or kidnapped as a result of terrorism




Apesar de parecerem números importantes, e claro para as vítimas e seus familiares, obviamente que o são, em nada se comparam aos números de crianças, idosos, mulheres e homens que morrem à fome, de SIDA/AIDS de falta de água potável ou das guerras criadas e levadas a cabo pelos senhores que dizem combater o terrorismo.

De notar ainda que, por exemplo, os números relativos ao Iraque e ao Afeganistão têm vindo a piorar, supostamente e com tanto dinheiro gasto e com "tão boa vontade" dos EUA/NATO/UE as coisas deveriam estar melhor; fim do sarcasmo!

Números de ataques terroristas com 20 anos de estatísticas:Appendix I: Statistical Review [ 199 Kb]

de 1981 a 2001 sem contar com os atentados de 11 Setembro de 2001, obtem-se o número 9533 vítimas, nem de perto nem de longe comparável às diversas guerras que decorreram durante esses vinte anos, ou à fome.

Ao contrário do que nos querem fazer acreditar o número de vítimas no Iraque tem aumentado todos os anos.

Here is an excerpt from the supplement[3] to the 2006 Lancet study:

"For the purpose of analysis, the 40 months of survey data were divided into three equal periods—March 2003 to April 2004; May 2004 to May 2005, and June 2005 to June 2006. Following the invasion the death rate rose each year."

  • "Pre-invasion: 5.5 deaths/1,000/year
  • March 2003-April 2004: 7.5 deaths/1,000/year
  • May 2004-May 2005: 10.9 deaths/1,000/year
  • June 2005-June 2006: 19.8 deaths/1,000/year
  • Overall post-invasion: 13.2 deaths/1,000/year"

"The Lancet, one of the oldest scientific medical journals in the world, published two peer-reviewed studies on the effect of the 2003 invasion of Iraq and subsequent occupation on Iraqi mortality. The first in 2004; the second (by many of the same authors) in 2006. The studies estimate the number of excess deaths caused by the occupation, both direct (combatants plus non-combatants) and indirect (due to increased lawlessness, degraded
infrastructure, poor healthcare, etc.).

The first survey[1] published on 29 October 2004, estimated 98,000 excess Iraqi deaths (with a range of 8,000 to 194,000, using a 95% confidence interval (CI)) from the 2003 invasion and subsequent occupation of Iraq to that time, or about 50% higher than the death rate prior to the invasion. The authors described this as a conservative estimate, because it excluded the extreme statistical outlier data from Falluja.
If the Falluja cluster were included, the mortality estimate would
increase to 150% over pre-invasion rates (95% CI: 1.6 to 4.2).

The second survey[2][3][4] published on 11 October 2006,estimated 654,965 excess deaths related to the war, or 2.5% of thepopulation, through the end of June 2006. The new study applied similarmethods and involved surveys between May 20 and July 10, 2006.[4]

More households were surveyed, allowing for a 95% confidence interval of 392,979 to 942,636 excess Iraqi deaths. 601,027 deaths (range of 426,369 to 793,663 using a 95% confidence interval) were due to violence. 31% of those were attributed to the Coalition, 24% to others, 46% unknown. The causes of violent deaths were gunshot (56%), car bomb (13%), other explosion/ordnance (14%), air strike (13%), accident (2%), unknown (2%)."

in Wikipedia

Números de mortes por SIDA/AIDS:

  • Números referentes a vítimas de fome:

    "During the 20th century, an estimated 70 million people died from famines across the world, of whom an estimated 30 million died during the famine of 1958–61 in China. The other most notable famines of the century included the 1942–1945 disaster in Bengal, famines in China in 1928 and 1942, and a sequence of famines in the Soviet Union, including the Holodomor, Stalin's famine inflicted on Ukraine in 1932–33. A few of the great famines of the late 20th century were: the Biafran famine in the 1960s, the disaster in Cambodia in the 1970s, the Ethiopian famine of 1983–85 and the North Koreanfamine of the 1990s."

    in Wikipedia

    Não faz pois sentido os biliões de dólares gastos nestas duas últimas guerras, já para não falar nas anteriores, mas estas são as mentiras mais recentes, que detroem a vida de muitos milhões e enriquecem um punhado de assassinos.

    Thursday, May 08, 2008

    Resposta ao porquê das constantes subidas dos preços de bens essenciais e petróleo

    Em dois excelentes artigos no site Global Research do professor de Economia da Universidade de Ottawwa, Mitchel Chossudovsky, um escrito por ele próprio, Global Famine e outro escrito por F. William Engdahl, ‘Perhaps 60% of today’s oil price is pure speculation, ficamos a perceber que os preços galopantes de bens essenciais como o trigo, arroz e milho e do crude (petróleo), se devem única e exclusivamente a ESPECULAÇÃO BOLSISTA, levada a cabo essencialmente nas duas maiores e principais bolsas mundiais, a Londrina e a de Nova Iorque.

    Em ambos os casos, a negociata passa principalmente pela venda de futuros, "put options e call options" sem qualquer controlo por quem de direito, até porque quem autorizou semelhante trafulhice seria quem deveria controlar o mercado.

    Relativamente ao crude e gás, quem controla os preços, sem qualquer intervenção por parte dos produtores, OPEC, são principalmente as 4 maiores empresas petrolíferas Anglo-Americanas e duas grandes casas de corretagem, a Goldman Sachs e a Morgan Stanley.

    Todas estas informações/afirmações relativamente ao crude, podem ser encontradas no "A June 2006 US Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations report on “The Role of Market Speculation in rising oil and gas prices,” noted, “…there is substantial evidence supporting the conclusion that the large amount of speculation in the current market has significantly increased prices.”"

    Os actuais preços nada têm a ver com uma maior procura ou mesmo reservas baixas, especialmente por parte dos EUA, aliás, a procura tem-se mantido relativamente constante e as reservas estão no seu nível mais alto dos últimos anos.

    ‘Perhaps 60% of today’s oil price is pure speculation’
    Since the advent of oil futures trading and the two major London and New York oil futures contracts, control of oil prices has left OPEC and gone to Wall Street. It is a classic case of the “tail that wags the dog.”

    ‘Perhaps 60% of today’s oil price is pure speculation’
    In June 2006, oil traded in futures markets at some $60 a barrel and the Senate investigation estimated that some $25 of that was due to pure financial speculation. One analyst estimated in August 2005 that US oil inventory levels suggested WTI crude prices should be around $25 a barrel, and not $60.

    That would mean today that at least $50 to $60 or more of today’s $115 a barrel price is due to pure hedge fund and financial institution speculation. However, given the unchanged equilibrium in global oil supply and demand over recent months amid the explosive rise in oil futures prices traded on Nymex and ICE exchanges in New York and London it is more likely that as much as 60% of the today oil price is pure speculation. No one knows officially except the tiny handful of energy trading banks in New York and London and they certainly aren’t talking.

    Relativamente à especulação à volta dos preços de bens essenciais como o trigo, milho e arroz, para além do objectivo de ganharem biliões à custa da vida humana, o objectivo final será substituir estas colheitas por colheitas de organismos genéticamente modificados, onde gigantescas multinacionais tais como a Monsanto, patenteiam as sementes, modificam-nas para que só aceitem os fertilizantes e herbicidas da própria empresa, sem os quais não sobrevivem, e por fim, a cereja no cimo do bolo, as sementes resultantes são "estéreis", para poderem ter a próxima colheitas terão de comprar mais sementes à Monsanto.

    Global Famine
    Genetically Modified Seeds

    Coinciding with the establishment the World Trade Organization (WTO) in 1995, another important historical change has occurred in the structure of global agriculture.

    Under the articles of agreement of the World Trade Organization (WTO)), the food giants will have unrestricted freedom to enter the seeds markets of developing countries. The acquisition of exclusive "intellectual property rights" over plant varieties by international agro-industrial interests, also favors the destruction of bio-diversity.

    Acting on behalf of a handful of biotech conglomerates, GMO seeds have been imposed on farmers, often in the context of "food aid programs". In Ethiopia, for instance, kits of GMO seeds were handed out to impoverished farmers with a view to rehabilitating agricultural production in the wake of a major drought . The GMO seeds were planted, yielding a harvest. But then the farmer came to realize that the GMO seeds could not be replanted without paying royalties to Monsanto, Arch Daniel Midland et al. Then, the farmers discovered that the seeds would harvest only if they used the farm inputs including the fertilizer, insecticide and herbicide, produced and distributed by the biotech agribusiness companies. Entire peasant economies were locked into the grip of the agribusiness conglomerates.

    Breaking The Agricultural Cycle

    With the widespread adoption of GMO seeds, a major transition has occurred in the structure and history of settled agriculture since its inception 10,000 years ago.

    The reproduction of seeds at the village level in local nurseries has been disrupted by the use of genetically modified seeds. The agricultural cycle, which enables farmers to store their organic seeds and plant them to reap the next harvest has been broken. This destructive pattern – invariably resulting in famine – is replicated in country after country leading to the Worldwide demise of the peasant economy.

    Mas melhor que a minha escrita, aconselho vivamente a leitura destes dois artigos.

    Global Famine
    Global Famine

    by Michel Chossudovsky

    Global Research, May 2, 2008

    Humanity is undergoing in the post-Cold War era an economic and social crisis of unprecedented scale leading to the rapid impoverishment of large sectors of the World population. National economies are collapsing, unemployment is rampant. Local level famines have erupted in Sub-Saharan Africa, South Asia and parts of Latin America. This "globalization of poverty" --which has largely reversed the achievements of post-war decolonization-- was initiated in the Third World coinciding with the debt crisis of the early 1980s and the imposition of the IMF's deadly economic reforms.

    The New World Order feeds on human poverty and the destruction of the natural environment. It generates social apartheid, encourages racism and ethnic strife, undermines the rights of women and often precipitates countries into destructive confrontations between nationalities. Since the 1990s, it has extended its grip to all major regions of the World including North America, Western Europe, the countries of the former Soviet block and the "Newly Industrialized Countries" (NICs) of South East Asia and the Far East.

    This Worldwide crisis is more devastating than the Great Depression of the 1930s. It has far-reaching geo-political implications; economic dislocation has also been accompanied by the outbreak of regional wars, the fracturing of national societies and in some cases the destruction of entire countries. By far this is the most serious economic crisis in modern history. (Michel Chossudovsky, The Globalization of Poverty, First Edition, 1997)

    ‘Perhaps 60% of today’s oil price is pure speculation’
    ‘Perhaps 60% of today’s oil price is pure speculation’

    by F. William Engdahl

    Global Research, May 2, 2008

    The price of crude oil today is not made according to any traditional relation of supply to demand. It’s controlled by an elaborate financial market system as well as by the four major Anglo-American oil companies. As much as 60% of today’s crude oil price is pure speculation driven by large trader banks and hedge funds. It has nothing to do with the convenient myths of Peak Oil. It has to do with control of oil and its price. How?

    Wednesday, May 07, 2008

    Câmaras CCTV falham no combate ao crime nas ruas do Reino Unido

    CCTV boom has failed to slash crime, say police

    This article appeared in the Guardian on Tuesday May 06 2008 on p1 of the Top stories section. It was last updated at 12:05 on May 07 2008.
    Police officers monitor CCTV screens in the control room at New Scotland Yard in London

    Há não muito tempo e após os diversos assassinatos na noite da cidade do Porto, no forum da TSF assisti à discussão sobre a utilização de câmaras de vigilância na cidade, creio que o presidente da Autarquia de Coimbra defendia também a sua utilização nessa cidade.

    Durante esse forum diversas pessoas desejosas de um estado policial total defendiam com unhas e dentes a utilização deste tipo de vigilância, não se importando minimamente com os seus direitos, com a sua falta de privacidade, com o estado Orwelliano que se está a tentar impôr aos cidadãos a todo o custo, desde câmaras em tudo quanto é canto de centros comerciais e lojas, passando por cartões de débito e crédito com chip, telemóveis que estão constantemente a enviarem a posição do seu utilizador para as suas antenas de transmissão, enfim, as pessoas por e simplesmente não se apercebem que a liberdade que pensam ter, é pura ilusão, neste momento devemos ter menos liberdade que no tempo da velha senhora.

    E estes defensores de mais ataques às nossas liberdades e direitos humanos, não se podem comparar com os mais novos que não se importam de dar de barato eles próprios toda a sua liberdade e privacidade, através de webcams, chats, instant messaging, hi5, facebook etc etc.

    Mas esta pequena introdução serve apenas para descrever o artigo que acabo de ler e que nos informa que as câmaras de vigilância usadas no Reino Unido, são completamente ineficientes no combate ao crime ou na sua prevenção.

    Lembro que o Reino Unido, especialmente Londres é a cidade do mundo mais vigiada por câmaras CCTV.

    Algumas conclusões da polícia do Reino Unido:

    CCTV boom has failed to slash crime, say police | UK news | The Guardian
    Massive investment in CCTV cameras to prevent crime in the UK has failed to have a significant impact, despite billions of pounds spent on the new technology, a senior police officer piloting a new database has warned. Only 3% of street robberies in London were solved using CCTV images, despite the fact that Britain has more security cameras than any other country in Europe.

    CCTV boom has failed to slash crime, say police | UK news | The Guardian
    Use of CCTV images for court evidence has so far been very poor, according to Detective Chief Inspector Mick Neville, the officer in charge of the Metropolitan police unit. "CCTV was originally seen as a preventative measure," Neville told the Security Document World Conference in London. "Billions of pounds has been spent on kit, but no thought has gone into how the police are going to use the images and how they will be used in court. It's been an utter fiasco: only 3% of crimes were solved by CCTV. There's no fear of CCTV. Why don't people fear it? [They think] the cameras are not working."

    E o que se faz quando se comprova que este estado policial não funciona?
    Simples, continua-se com a asneira e invade-se ainda mais a privacidade das pessoas.

    CCTV boom has failed to slash crime, say police | UK news | The Guardian
    The Viido unit is beginning to establish a London-wide database of images of suspects that are cross-referenced by written descriptions. Interest in the technology has been enhanced by recent police work, in which officers back-tracked through video tapes to pick out terrorist suspects. In districts where the Viido scheme is working, CCTV is now helping police in 15-20% of street robberies.

    "We are [beginning] to collate images from across London," Neville said. "This has got to be balanced against any Big Brother concerns, with safeguards. The images are from thefts, robberies and more serious crimes. Possibly the [database] could be national in future."

    CCTV boom has failed to slash crime, say police | UK news | The Guardian
    "We are also going to start putting out [pictures] on the internet, on the Met police website, asking 'who is this guy?'. If criminals see that CCTV works they are less likely to commit crimes."

    CCTV boom has failed to slash crime, say police | UK news | The Guardian
    He said that there were discussions with biometric companies "on a regular basis" about developing the technology to search digitised databases and match suspects' images with known offenders. "Sometimes when they put their [equipment] in operational practice, it's not as wonderful as they said it would be, " he said. "I suspect [Find] has been put on hold until the technology matures. Before you can digitise every offender's image you have to make sure the lighting is right and it's a good picture. It's a major project. We are still some way from a national database. There are still ethical and technical issues to consider."

    O pior é que são as próprias pessoas a pedirem mais, levadas por esta onda criada pelas televisões, de sociedades perfeitas sem crime, como se isso alguma vez fosse possível, e pelas massivas campanhas de desinformação levadas a cabo pelos diversos media sobre a suposta "guerra ao terrorismo" e ao crime em geral, quando na realidade os maiores crimes são cometidos pelos diversos estados, ou por puras mentiras propagadas por esses mesmos media, como foi o caso dos atentados de 11 de Setembro, as invasões do Afeganistão e Iraque e provavelmente do Irão, bem como a mentira do Kosovo, já para não mencionar a do tráfego de armas e narcóticos levadas a cabo pela CIA e outros serviços secretos.

    CCTV boom has failed to slash crime, say police | UK news | The Guardian
    The charity Victim's Voice, which supports relatives of those who have been murdered, said it supported more effective use of CCTV systems. "Our view is that anything that helps get criminals off the street and prevents crime is good," said Ed Usher, one of the organisation's trustees. "If handled properly it can be a superb preventative tool."

    The Truth about Facebook!


    "In October of 2002, Londoners woke up one morning to a startling sight. Posters that looked like props from a movie version of George Orwell's 1984 were plastered all along London bus routes. At first many people thought it was a guerilla art campaign mounted by privacy and civil rights advocates. After all, England now has more security cameras aimed at its population than any other country on earth, with 1.5 million police cameras installed by authorities in urban environs. Unfortunately the posters were not a hoax, but part of an official anti-crime campaign mounted by the Metropolitan Police and London's mass transit provider, the CCTV. The poster's message to the public is that they are under constant surveillance - and so they should feel "secure."
    A modern British Poster to make Orwell blush - Mark Vallen © Dec. 2002.
    Welcome to 1984... in 2002 Welcome to 1984... in 2002
    Welcome to 1984... in 2002 Welcome to 1984... in 2002

    in www.art-for-a-change.com is owned and operated by Mark Vallen ©. All text by Mark Vallen.

    Sunday, May 04, 2008

    Resposta a artigo do jornal 24Horas

    Após uns excelentes dias na Belíssima ilha de São Miguel, Açores, eis-me de regresso aos posts.

    Neste caso trata-se de uma resposta ao jornal 24Horas que à cerca de 3 semanas, salvo o erro, escreveram um artigo totalmente deturpado sobre diversos factos que ocorreram no fatídico dia de 11 de Setembro de 2001 e das mais recentes informações sobre o caso.

    Não se dando sequer ao trabalho de fazerem um pouco de investigação e procurar esclarecimentos junto de ambos os lados da suposta notícia, contraditório não é com eles.

    Aqui fica pois o mail que lhes enviei, para que pelo menos saibam que existem pessoas com cabeça para pensar e que não aceitam tudo o que se escreve sem crítica.


    Bom dia, chamo-me Ricardo Jorge G. Nunes.

    Venho por este meio expressar o meu mais veemente repúdio pela forma como trataram o tema sobre as diversas questões que têm sido colocadas por múltiplos investigadores e familiares das vítimas, desde o fatídico dia de 11 de Setembro de 2001.

    Este é um tema que merece um tratamento sério e responsável, afinal tratou-se de um dos maiores crimes que ocorreram nos últimos anos no mundo e provavelmente um dos maiores, senão o maior, que ocorreu nos EUA.

    Desde já me demarco completamente de afirmações parvas como a inexistência de
    aviões, hologramas, etc, e de outras teorias sem o mínimo de sentido,
    que aparecem em diversos sites sem qualquer credibilidade.

    Eu defendo o tratamento deste acontecimento seguindo o método cientifico e olhando apenas para FACTOS.

    Com tal seria de importância capital, este mesmo crime ter uma investigação cuidada (polícia, tribunais e media), séria e profissional, onde, como em todos os crimes, não devemos ter medo de
    colocar questões, especialmente quando estas são honestas e pertinentes, colocando mesmo em causa as investigações eo relatórios de diversas entidades como, o FEMA, NIST e a comissão
    criada 411 dias depois do acontecimento para o investigar.

    E as questões que são apresentadas por especialistas de diversas áreas têm toda a razão de ser apresentadas, infelizmente quer os senhores do 24Horas quer os senhores da PM, tiveram a desfaçatez de os chamar de criadores de conspirações ou no fundo como na realidade queriam mesmo afirmar, de maluquinhos.

    Mais, os senhores do 24Horas repetindo como papagaios, sem se questionarem, sem fazerem um pouco de investigação por vós próprios, afinal dizem-se jornalistas; limitaram-se a escrever as mentiras, omissões e contradições que a própria PM escreveu, sem se darem conta
    que a técnica de propaganda da PM é tão somente, pegar em pseudo ciência e pseudo mitos urbanos que pululam pela WEB e usá-los como se essas fossem as opiniões e investigações efectuadas quer por familiares das vitimas, quer por diversos investigadores, desde denunciantes do FBI (Sibel Edmonds), ex-agentes dos serviços secretos (Robert Baer), ex-funcionários de anteriores administrações (Raymond L. McGovern), Arquitectos e Engenheiros (Richard Gage), Físicos (Steven E. Jones; Kevin R. Ryan), ex-governador Jesse Ventura, Pilotos de aviação
    comercial (Rob Balsamo; John Lear), incluindo um piloto que voou diversos anos um dos aviões usados nos atentados , o deputado japonês, Yukihisa Fujita, no seu próprio parlamento questionou o governo japonês sobre estas mesmas questões uma vez que diversos japoneses morreram nos atentados, os ex-governantes, Mathias Von Bulow (alemão), Michael Meach
    (inglês), projectistas dos proprios edificios, especialistas em demolições (Danny Jowenko).

    Tal como afirma a PM, e os senhores repetem, se realmente se preocupassem quer com as vitimas quer com os seus familiares, tentariam expôr a verdade, não olhando a meios e fazendo investigação, afinal sendo jornalistas lidam com factos, certo?

    E nesses factos que facilmente se podem comprovar e encontrar, descobririam que muitos dos familiares das vitimas se recusaram a aceitar as indemnizações uma vez que teriam de assinar um documento em como prescindiriam de futuros processos contra o estado ou contra pessoas da
    administração etc.

    Desde o primeiro momento que os media por todo o mundo e especialmente os dos EUA, fizeram de tudo para passar uma única teoria, a defendida até à exaustão pela administração, apenas mostrando as imagens das torres norte e sul vezes sem conta, e nunca mostrando ou
    sequer mencionando a queda do WTC 7 que ocorreu cerca das 17h20m dos EUA, cerca de sete horas após a queda da 2ª torre.

    Ainda mais estranha foi a notícia dada pela BBC, que cerca de 20 minutos antes da queda do WTC 7 e com o edifício visível por detrás da jornalista, esta afirma que ele já ruiu.
    Como foi possível fazer semelhante afirmação quando até aquele fatídico dia, nenhum edifício construido em Aço, havia sofrido uma derrocada devido a incêndios.


    Não deixa de ser interessante todo o tipo de desinformação que ocorreu minutos após as derrocadas e que no essencial explica o acontecimento da mesma forma que os relatórios do NIST e da FEMA explicam, como pode ser visto nestas imagens, onde alguém questionado por um repórter de rua no dia desses mesmos ataques dá sem dúvida início à campanha de



    Mas vamos a FACTOS:

    Um dos principais cientistas que contestam as diversas teses oficiais sobre as derrocadas das torres, o físico Steven E. Jones em conjunto com diversos especialistas, incluindo Kevin R. Ryan antigo "head of the Environmental Health Laboratory Div. of Underwriter´s Laboratory (UL)", publicaram um documento que foi aceite para ser revisto pelos seus pares no The Open Civil Engineering Journal, com o objectivo de "Abstract:
    Reports by FEMA and NIST lay out the official account of the
    destruction of the World Trade Center on 9/11/2001. In this Letter, we
    wish to set a foundation for productive discussion and understanding by
    focusing on thoseareas where we find common ground with FEMA and NIST,
    while at the same time countering several popular myths about the WTC

    Vou agora enumerar alguns pontos que infelizmente os senhores do 24Horas se "esqueceram" de mencionar e de investigar, que por mais voltas que a PM dê, não consegue nem desmentir nem alterar:

    1º teorias da conspiração?

    Por acaso os senhores do 24Horas deram-se ao trabalho de perceber o que é uma teoria da conspiração?
    A própria história oficial é uma teoria da conspiração, todas o são, segundo a definição de Teoria da Conspiração, e usando o método cientifico a que melhor explicar coerentemente os acontecimentos, baseado-se nos factos, será a correcta, e é isso que todos estes investigadores procuram descobrir.

    "Teoria da conspiração é uma teoria que supõe que um grupo de conspiradores está envolvido num plano e suprimiu a maior parte das provas desse mesmo plano e do seu envolvimento nele. O plano pode ser qualquer coisa, desde a manipulação de governos, economias ou sistemas legais até à ocultação de informações científicas importantes ou assassinato."

    in wikipedia

    O historiador Daniel Ganser, define conspiração como, "a secret agreement between two or more persons".

    Logo a própria história oficial é uma teoria da conspiração.

    Este historiador que escreveu o excelente livro NATO's Secret Army: Operation Gladio and Terrorism in Western Europe (Contemporary Security Studies), no qual expõe o terrorismo de Estado levado a cabo pela CIA e a NATO na Europa, após a II Guerra Mundial, explica que existem três teorias que descrevem os acontecimentos de 11 de Setembro de 2001:

    THREE THEORIES: Ganser presents three main theories about
    the conspiracy of 11/9. He does not himself address the issue of which theory
    most correctly describes what actually happened:

    1. The so-called surprise theory: Offered by the Bush administration and the
    9/11 Commission report (2004), it claims that Osama bin Laden conspired with
    Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, Mohamed Atta, and other men to attack the US on 9/11.
    The surprise theory argues that 9/11 was a Muslim conspiracy. It concedes that
    there were rumours about a looming attack, but insists that the US intelligence
    community, including the NSA, CIA, FBI, DIA, and other intelligence services,
    along with Pentagon, were unable to prevent the conspiracy. (NSA: National Security
    Agency, DIA: Defence Intelligence Agency, red. anm.)

    2. Let It Happen On Purpose: (LIHOP theory). Like the surprise theory, it assumes
    that Osama bin Laden conspired with Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, Mohamed Atta and
    other men to attack the US on 9/11. In stark contrast to the surprise theory,
    however, the LIHOP theory claims that persons inside the US government deliberately
    allowed the attacks to be carried out in order to be able to start a number
    of wars that had been planned in advance. The LIHOP theory thus argues that
    9/11 was a combined Muslim and Jewish-Christian conspiracy, in which the latter
    outwitted the former.

    3. Make It Happen On Purpose: (MIHOP theory). It argues that criminal persons
    within the US government, Pentagon and the intelligence community, carried out
    the attacks themselves in order to be able to start a number of wars that had
    been planned in advance. The MIHOP theory thus argues that 9/11 was primarily
    a Christian or Jewish-Christian conspiracy, in which Muslims, if involved at
    all, were involved only in minor ways.

    in All of the theories about 9/11 are conspiracy theories

    2º Desmontando as falsidades e meias verdades da PM, Scientific American e os diversos media, incluindo o 24Horas

    Neste ponto apenas recorro ao excelente trabalho do Professor Steven E. Jones, Kevin R Ryan e Jim Hoffman.

    No "paper" apresentado à dias para ser revistos pelos seus pares, o físico Steven E. Jones questiona quer o relatório da FEMA quer do NIST desta forma:

    "The specifics of the fires in WTC 7 and how they caused the building to
    collapse remain unknown at this time. Although the total diesel fuel on
    the premises contained massive potential energy, the best hypothesis
    has only a low probability of occurrence. Further research,
    investigation, and analyses are needed to resolve this issue"

    quanto ao relatório que seria apresentado pelo NIST, ainda hoje estamos à espera dele.

    "NIST's final report on WTC 7 has been long delayed and is eagerly awaited [3].
    Apparently it is difficult to fully explain the complete and rapid
    collapse of WTC 7 with a fire-based hypothesis alone."

    Kevin R Ryan na sua apresentação diz-nos que apesar de existirem mais de 1 milhão de
    engenheiros nos EUA, por coincidência os que investigaram o atentado de Oklahoma são os mesmos que investigam os atentados do WTC.

    Yet, as Ryan notes, there is always an official explanation for terrorist events. Ryan
    reviews anomalies in the official account of the
    1995 bombing of the Murrah Federal Building
    in Oklahoma City, and notes that in that case, as in the case of the World Trade Center, a small group of engineers produced reports supporting the official story.

    Ryan shows that the same principals headed the various government investigations of the WTC collapses, the Pentagon crash, and Oklahoma
    City bombing, despite the fact that the investigations involved assessments of entirely different kinds of structures inflicted with
    different kinds of damage. Why do the same five or so individuals turn up in investigations relating to terrorist attack, when, according to
    the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), there are 1.5 million engineers in the US? The authors of the official report on the Murrah
    Federal Building -- Gene Corley, Charles Thornton, Paul Mlaker, and
    Mete Sozen -- were all among the initial team of the ASCE WTC
    investigation. Several of these individuals have strong connections to
    industries that benefited from the attack, such as armaments makers and
    oil and gas producers.

    in Review of 'A New Standard For Deception: The NIST WTC Report'

    A Presentation by Kevin Ryan

    Quanto a Jim Hoffman no seu artigo Building a Better Mirage - NIST's 3-Year $20,000,000 Cover-Up of the Crime of the Century, desmonta de forma cientifica o relatório do NIST.

    Aliás os 3 sites de Jim Hoffman, são recheados de informação baseada apenas em FACTOS e método cientifico, infelizmente o 24Horas esqueceu-se de o mencionar.

    Mas mais importante o 24Horas não fez o trabalho de casa, ou pretendeu mesmo não contribuir para o claro esclarecimento dos factos e omitiu a resposta de Jim Hoffman à PM.

    Jim Hoffman Rebate ponto por ponto às afirmações da Popular Mechanics:

  • Popular Mechanics Attacks Its "9/11 LIES" Straw Man:

    The original critique of the Popular Mechanics article, first published on 911Research on February 7, 2005.
    The current critique grew out of this much shorter critiqe.

  • Popular Mechanics' Deceptive Smear Against 9/11 Truth:
    A more detailed critique of the article, including the entire text of the original.

  • Popular Mechanics' Assault on 9/11 Truth:
    Sharing the same name as this critique, this longer version served as the final prototype for the Global Outlook article.

  • 3º os gastos com a investigação bem como o tempo que demorou a criar uma comissão de investigação

    A comissão de investigação só foi criada 411 dias após os atentados, foram gastos na investigação do pior atentado dos EUA apenas cerca de $15M dólares, enquanto que na investigação da queda do vaivém Challenger foram cerca de $50M e no ridículo caso Monica Lewinski/Clinton, cerca de $64M.

    4º Porque foi o aço das 3 torres que ruiram imediatamente enviado para países como a China e a India para ser reciclado?

    Tratava-se de uma prova importantissima que deveria de ser meticulosamente estudada.

    Steel was the structural material of the buildings.
    As such it was the most important evidence to preserve in order to puzzle out how the structures held up to the impacts and fires, but then disintegrated into rubble.
    Since no steel-framed buildings had ever collapsed due to fires, the steel should have been subjected to detailed analysis.

    So what did the authorities do with this key evidence of the vast crime and unprecedented engineering failure?

    They recycled it!

    Some 185,101 tons of structural steel have been hauled away
    from Ground Zero. Most of the steel has been recycled as per the
    city's decision to swiftly send the wreckage to salvage yards in
    New Jersey. The city's hasty move has outraged many victims'
    families who believe the steel should have been examined more
    thoroughly. Last month, fire experts told Congress that about
    80% of the steel was scrapped without being examined because
    investigators did not have the authority to preserve the wreckage.1

    The bulk of the steel was apparently shipped to China and India.
    The Chinese firm Baosteel purchased 50,000 tons at a rate of $120 per ton,
    compared to an average price of $160 paid by local mills in the previous year.2

    in WTC Steel Removal
    The Expeditious Destruction of the Evidence at Ground Zero

    5º Porque é afirmado por diversas vezes, incluindo no relatório da
    comissão bem com no filme United 93, que a comentadora da CNN Barbara
    Olson, esposa de Ted Olson, "who was then the US solicitor general",
    terá efectuado pelo menos dois telefonemas a partir do avião United 93,
    quando em 2001 não era possível comunicações ar/terra via telemóvel e
    que a própria United Airlines, indica que os lugares dos passageiros
    não dispunham de telefones?

    The most famous of the reported calls from the flights supposedly came from
    Barbara Olson, the well-known commentator on CNN who was married to Ted Olson,
    who was then the US solicitor general. Olson reported that his wife had called
    him twice from American Airlines Flight 77, stating that hijackers with knives
    and boxcutters had taken over the plane. Besides providing evidence of hijackers,
    this call also provided the only evidence that Flight 77 was still aloft (it
    had disappeared from radar and there had been reports of an airliner crash nearby).
    Although Olson went back and forth on the question of whether his wife had used
    a cell phone or an onboard phone, he finally settled on the latter.

    In the first edition, I challenged this claim on the basis of evidence from
    American Airlines that their Boeing 757 (which is what Flight 77 was) had no
    onboard phones. After publishing the book, however, I became worried, because
    of some new evidence, that that statement from American Airlines, made in 2004,
    had referred only to their 757s at that time -- that their 757s in 2001 may
    well have had onboard phones. So I published a retraction, saying that the claim
    was uncertain.

    That retraction, however, evoked new evidence, including a statement made by
    American Airlines in 2006 that their 757s in 2001 had had no onboard phones,
    so that anyone calling out from Flight 77 had needed to use a cell phone. Barbara
    Olson, therefore, could not have used a passenger-seat phone. That left open,
    of course, the possibility that Ted Olson was correct when he said that his
    wife had used her cell phone.

    However, the evidence from the Moussaoui trial ruled out this possibility.
    In its report on AA 77, it listed one attempted call from Barbara Olson, which
    was "unconnected" and hence lasted "0 seconds."

    This was an astounding discovery. The FBI is part of the Department of Justice.
    And yet it had undercut the testimony of the DOJ's former solicitor general,
    saying in effect that the two calls that he reported had never happened. The
    implication is that unless Ted Olson had, like Deena Burnett, been duped, he
    had lied. Although this should have produced front-page headlines, it has thus
    far not been reported by any mainstream publication.

    The Revised and Updated Edition of "Debunking 9/11 Debunking" provides
    the documentation for these reports from American Airlines and the FBI, which
    pretty thoroughly undermine the idea that any of the reported calls were genuine:
    If the cell phone calls were faked, why should we believe that the reported
    calls from onboard phones were genuine?

    in New Evidence that the Official Story about 9/11 is Indefensible

    6º Porque razão diversos jogos de guerra decorriam ao mesmo tempo, quer
    nos EUA, quer em Londres com os mesmos objectivos que os acontecimentos
    reais, ou seja simularem exactamente os acontecimentos que se estavam a
    desenrolar na realidade?

    Several different war game exercises were in play on the day of the attack.
    The limited public information on these exercises shows that they simulated the following events:

    • Hijackings
    • Attacks on buildings using aircraft as missiles
    • Attacks using toxic or infectious substances

    These events are all elements of the actual attack, which involved four alleged hijackings,
    three jetliner crashes into buildings, and the toxic calamity at Ground Zero in the wake of the World Trade Center's destruction.

    in War Games
    Multiple War Games Were Being Conducted on 9/11/01

    Existem muito mais questões importantes e credíveis que colocam em causa a teoria da conspiração defendida pela administração Bush, infelizmente o 24Horas limitou-se a servir de caixa de ressonância da PM, não questionando as suas explicações, apenas querendo denegrir quer investigadores quer políticos como Micahel Meacher e Andreas Von Bulow
    ou o deputado Japonês, Fujita.

    Michael Meacher and Andreas Von Bülow express their serious doubts about 9/11
    9/11 Japan Parliament 1/10/08 Part 1/8 sub UPDATED

    Aguns livros e links SÉRIOS que o 24Horas poderia ter mencionado sobre o tema.

    9/11 Contradictions: An Open Letter to Congress and the Press

    9/11 Contradictions: An Open Letter to Congress and the Press

    by David Ray Griffin

    (Paperback - Mar 2008)

    Debunking 9/11 Debunking: An Answer to Popular Mechanics and Other Defenders of the Official Conspiracy Theory

    Debunking 9/11 Debunking: An Answer to Popular Mechanics and Other Defenders of the Official Conspiracy Theory

    by David Ray Griffin

    (Paperback - Mar 30, 2007)

    9/11 Synthetic Terror: Made in USA, Fourth Edition
    9/11 Synthetic Terror: Made in USA, Fourth Edition

    by Webster Griffin Tarpley
    (Paperback - May 5, 2007)

    Nato's Secret Armies
    Daniel Ganser

    The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), the US-led largest military alliance on the planet,
    had set up secret armies in all countries of Western Europe after the Second World War.
    These networks were armed and trained by the CIA and the MI6 and in some countries became tragically
    linked to crime and terror, as this book documents.

    The London Bombings: An Independent Inquiry

    The London Bombings: An Independent Inquiry

    by Nafeez Mossadeq Ahmed

    (Paperback - Oct 3, 2006)

    The War on Freedom: How and Why America was Attacked, September 11, 2001

    The War on Freedom: How and Why America was Attacked, September 11, 2001

    by Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed and John Leonard

    (Paperback - Jul 1, 2002)


    Infelizmente não creio que os senhores jornalistas do 24Horas sequer leiam o que escrevi, quanto mais fazerem uma matéria mais aprofundada e adequada com as últimas informações que se conhecem, indo ao encontro do contraditório, mas pelo menos ficam a saber que existe
    em Portugal e cada vez mais por todo o mundo, incluindo o Parlamento Europeu, cidadãos preocupados com o futuro da democracia e do Mundo, que pensam pela própria cabeça e que sabem questionar o que os media e governos lhes apresentam, como se de dogmas fossem, quando não passam de mentiras e mais mentiras, usadas para justificarem o injustificável.

    911truth.org ::::: ZERO : Europe for an Independent Inquiry into 9/11 - Report on Brussels
    BRUSSELS, European Parliament, 26th February 2008.

    Mark Dermul (www.911belgium) reporting.

    On Tuesday 26th February, Europarliamentarian Guilietto Chiesa invited his colleagues and the press to attend the screening and debate of the Italian-produced documentary named 'ZERO, an investigation into the events of 9/11'. Object of the screening was to create political awareness of the faulty official investigation into the events by the 9/11 Commission.

    sem mais de momento,

    Agradeço desde já o tempo disponibilizado,

    Ricardo Jorge Nunes