Este excelente relatório do Senado dos EUA explica o porquê do elevadissimo preço do barril de crude, e nada tem a ver com as leis de oferta e procura, aliás as reservas dos EUA nunca estiveram tão altas e só o DOD - departamento de defesa dos EUA - gasta num dia o equivalente à Suécia toda.
The Role of the Market Speculation in Rising Oil and Gas Prices, Senate Staff Report
The U.S. Senate’s Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations conducted an investigation of market speculation and oil/gas prices. They reported the following findings and recommendations:
“A. Findings
1. Rise in Speculation. Over the past few years speculators have expended tens of billions of dollars in U.S. energy commodity
markets.2. Speculation Has Increased Prices. Speculation has contributed to rising U.S. energy prices, but gaps in available market data
currently impede analysis of the specific amount of speculation, the commodity trades involved, the markets affected, and the extent of price impacts.3. Price-Inventory Relationship Altered. With respect to crude oil, the influx of speculative dollars appears to have altered the historical relationship between price and inventory, leading the current oil market to be characterized by both large inventories
and high prices.4. Large Trader Reports Essential. CFTC access to daily reports of large trades of energy commodities is essential to its ability to detect and deter price manipulation. The CFTC’s ability to detect and deter energy price manipulation is suffering from critical information gaps, because traders on OTC electronic exchanges and the London ICE Futures are currently exempt from CFTC reporting requirements. Large trader reporting is also essential to analyze the effect of speculation on energy prices.
5. ICE Impact on Energy Prices. ICE’s filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission and other evidence indicate that its
over-the-counter electronic exchange performs a price discovery function — and thereby affects U.S. energy prices — in the cash market for the energy commodities traded on that exchange.
Dois anos depois, os preços continuam a subir. Seria óptimo se aproveitassem os relatórios para fazer alguma coisa.
infelizmente quem manda é o dinheiro, e relatórios só não chegam, era necessário haver duas coisas, vontade política para os ter em conta, mas isso é impossível uma vez que quem de direito é financiado por essas mesmas empresas que querem ver este tipo de relatorios desaparecer ou nunca verem a luz do dia.
e outra situação seria os media os divulgarem para que a opinião publica se manifestasse, mas aqui tb os grupos de comunicação pertencem a meia dúzia que domina desde a alta finança, às empresas de armamento e petróleo, sem esquecer as farmaceuticas.
São as quatro irmãs petrolíferas que controlam todo o preço do petróleo. Não são os «produtores» nem as gasolineiras nem os estados. E as quatro irmãs são propriedade de bancos. Vamos sempre dar ao mesmo.
assino por baixo Diogo,
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