"When I despair, I remember that all through history the way of truth and love has always won. There have been tyrants and murderers and for a time they seem invincible, but in the end, they always fall — think of it, always." Mohandas Gandhi
In a time of universal deceit - telling the truth is a revolutionary act. George Orwell

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Números que dão que pensar! Terrorismo vs Invasões a países e fome no mundo

Hoje lembrei-me de um artigo escrito por Elias Davidsson - The 'war on terrorism' - a double fraud on humanity (Paper presented by the author at the XVI Congress of the International Association of Democratic Lawyers, Paris, June 7-11, 2005. The IADL is an NGO with Consultative Status at the OSOC and UNESCO) - que li há já algum tempo atrás mas que me fez pensar bastante sobre os reais números das trapalhadas dos EUA/NATO/UE vs Al-Qaeda e outros supostos grupos terroristas e ataques dos mesmos vs Pessoas que morrem à fome por todo o mundo.

Sim, quer a UE quer a NATO estão metidas nisto até ao pescoço, não nos podemos esquecer que a intervenção no Afeganistão, que já estava planeada mais de 6 meses antes dos supostos ataques "surpresa" de 11 de Setembro 2001, foi levada a cabo pela NATO.

Como já referi no post anterior sobre os preços de bens essenciais, trigo, arroz, milho e crude, tudo não passa de fantochada para carneirinhos verem e comerem, a realidade é bem diferente daquela que todos os dias os media nos apresentam, afinal têm de jogar o jogo dos seus donos, não passam de fantoches e papagaios.

Vamos então a números reais para verificar-mos se na realidade esta gente anda mesmo a combater os verdadeiros males do mundo, dificilmente o farão, quando são eles mesmos que os cometem, mas vamos lá provar que a chamada "guerra ao terrorismo" não passa de uma farsa!

Números de vítimas de atentados terroristas entre 2000 e 2003, ou seja números que englobam os atentados de 11 Setembro 2001.

"According to the statistical database of the U.S. Department of State (referred to above), the number of worldwide fatal casualties of terrorism, all nationalities combined, was the following:"

Year Number of fatal casualties:

2000 2,494
2001 4,379
2002 2,723 (source: http://www.tkb.org)
2003 2,385 (source: http://www.tkb.org)

Números de crianças que morrem antes dos 5 anos:

"Although approximately 10.5 million children under 5 years of age still die every year in the world, progress has been made since 1970, when the figure was more than 17 million. These reductions did not take place uniformly across time and regions, but the success stories in developing countries demonstrate clearly that low mortality levels are attainable in those settings. The effects of such achievements are not to be underestimated. If the whole world were able to share the current child mortality experience of Iceland (the lowest in the world in 2002), over 10 million child deaths could be prevented each year."

Números de vítimas de atentados terroristas depois do 11 de Setembro, incluindo os atentados de 7/7 2005 em Inglaterra e os de 11 Março de 2004 em Espanha:

Incidents of Terrorism Worldwide




Terror attacks worldwide




Attacks resulting in at least one death, injury, or kidnapping




Attacks resulting in at least one death




Attacks resulting in the death of zero people




Attacks resulting in the death of only one person




Attacks resulting in the death of at least 10 people




Attacks resulting in the injury of at least one person




Attacks resulting in the kidnapping of at least one person




People killed, injured or kidnapped as a result of terror attacks




People worldwide killed as a result of terror attacks




People worldwide injured as a result of terror attacks




People worldwide kidnapped as a result of terror attacks




Incidents of Terrorism in Iraq and Afghanistan*




Terror attacks in Iraq




Attacks resulting in at least one death, injury, or kidnapping




People killed, injured, or kidnapped as a result of terrorism







Terror attacks in Afghanistan




Attacks resulting in at least one death, injury, or kidnapping




People killed, injured, or kidnapped as a result of terrorism




Apesar de parecerem números importantes, e claro para as vítimas e seus familiares, obviamente que o são, em nada se comparam aos números de crianças, idosos, mulheres e homens que morrem à fome, de SIDA/AIDS de falta de água potável ou das guerras criadas e levadas a cabo pelos senhores que dizem combater o terrorismo.

De notar ainda que, por exemplo, os números relativos ao Iraque e ao Afeganistão têm vindo a piorar, supostamente e com tanto dinheiro gasto e com "tão boa vontade" dos EUA/NATO/UE as coisas deveriam estar melhor; fim do sarcasmo!

Números de ataques terroristas com 20 anos de estatísticas:Appendix I: Statistical Review [ 199 Kb]

de 1981 a 2001 sem contar com os atentados de 11 Setembro de 2001, obtem-se o número 9533 vítimas, nem de perto nem de longe comparável às diversas guerras que decorreram durante esses vinte anos, ou à fome.

Ao contrário do que nos querem fazer acreditar o número de vítimas no Iraque tem aumentado todos os anos.

Here is an excerpt from the supplement[3] to the 2006 Lancet study:

"For the purpose of analysis, the 40 months of survey data were divided into three equal periods—March 2003 to April 2004; May 2004 to May 2005, and June 2005 to June 2006. Following the invasion the death rate rose each year."

  • "Pre-invasion: 5.5 deaths/1,000/year
  • March 2003-April 2004: 7.5 deaths/1,000/year
  • May 2004-May 2005: 10.9 deaths/1,000/year
  • June 2005-June 2006: 19.8 deaths/1,000/year
  • Overall post-invasion: 13.2 deaths/1,000/year"

"The Lancet, one of the oldest scientific medical journals in the world, published two peer-reviewed studies on the effect of the 2003 invasion of Iraq and subsequent occupation on Iraqi mortality. The first in 2004; the second (by many of the same authors) in 2006. The studies estimate the number of excess deaths caused by the occupation, both direct (combatants plus non-combatants) and indirect (due to increased lawlessness, degraded
infrastructure, poor healthcare, etc.).

The first survey[1] published on 29 October 2004, estimated 98,000 excess Iraqi deaths (with a range of 8,000 to 194,000, using a 95% confidence interval (CI)) from the 2003 invasion and subsequent occupation of Iraq to that time, or about 50% higher than the death rate prior to the invasion. The authors described this as a conservative estimate, because it excluded the extreme statistical outlier data from Falluja.
If the Falluja cluster were included, the mortality estimate would
increase to 150% over pre-invasion rates (95% CI: 1.6 to 4.2).

The second survey[2][3][4] published on 11 October 2006,estimated 654,965 excess deaths related to the war, or 2.5% of thepopulation, through the end of June 2006. The new study applied similarmethods and involved surveys between May 20 and July 10, 2006.[4]

More households were surveyed, allowing for a 95% confidence interval of 392,979 to 942,636 excess Iraqi deaths. 601,027 deaths (range of 426,369 to 793,663 using a 95% confidence interval) were due to violence. 31% of those were attributed to the Coalition, 24% to others, 46% unknown. The causes of violent deaths were gunshot (56%), car bomb (13%), other explosion/ordnance (14%), air strike (13%), accident (2%), unknown (2%)."

in Wikipedia

Números de mortes por SIDA/AIDS:

  • Números referentes a vítimas de fome:

    "During the 20th century, an estimated 70 million people died from famines across the world, of whom an estimated 30 million died during the famine of 1958–61 in China. The other most notable famines of the century included the 1942–1945 disaster in Bengal, famines in China in 1928 and 1942, and a sequence of famines in the Soviet Union, including the Holodomor, Stalin's famine inflicted on Ukraine in 1932–33. A few of the great famines of the late 20th century were: the Biafran famine in the 1960s, the disaster in Cambodia in the 1970s, the Ethiopian famine of 1983–85 and the North Koreanfamine of the 1990s."

    in Wikipedia

    Não faz pois sentido os biliões de dólares gastos nestas duas últimas guerras, já para não falar nas anteriores, mas estas são as mentiras mais recentes, que detroem a vida de muitos milhões e enriquecem um punhado de assassinos.

    1 comment:

    Diogo said...

    Bom artigo, meu caro Rikhard.

    Isto supondo que os ataques terroristas foram efectuados por «terroristas genuínos». Agora, sabendo que pelo menos quatro quintos foram efectuados por serviços secretos ocidentais, onde é que a desproporção iria parar.