"When I despair, I remember that all through history the way of truth and love has always won. There have been tyrants and murderers and for a time they seem invincible, but in the end, they always fall — think of it, always." Mohandas Gandhi
In a time of universal deceit - telling the truth is a revolutionary act. George Orwell

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Suécia vai tornar legal as escutas a todo o tráfego de mail e telefone; Russia apaga indesejáveis da TV; UK adultos vão parar a base de dados

A Suécia prepara-se para aprovar uma lei que vai tornar legal monitorizar todo o tráfego de mail e telecomunicações que passe pelas suas fronteiras.

Mas também como já vem sendo hábito, trata-se de uma lei para proteger e ajudar as suas multinacionais, básicamente espionagem industrial...ou seja, a teoria de que será para segurança dos cidadãos, mais uma vez não passa de areia para os olhos dos carneirinhos.

"A broad array of organizations will have use of the system, including the Department of Transportation, the Department of Agriculture, the police, secret service and customs, and in some cases major businesses."

Ou seja, mesmo que não sejamos suecos, mas devido ao funcinamento da rede Internet, podemos estar a ser escutados da mesma forma que os suecos.

Trata-se de um sistema como o já investigado pela UE, dicionário Echelon, usado pelos EUA, UK, CAN, AUS, NZ.

Eu até pensava que os países nórdicos eram bem mais inteligentes relativamente a esta paranóia securitária que o mundo está cada vez mais a viver, mas parece que estou errado.

Se isto não é caminhar cada vez mais para um mundo securitário, não sei o que será!!!

Como se já não bastasse, também os nossos "amigos" Russos, nomeadamente o ditador ex-KGB, Vladimir Putin, também tirou um coelho da cartola e vai de usar tecnologia digital para remover dos ecrâs as pessoas que discordam dele.

Como se não bastasse os senhores mais securitários do planeta, empatados com os dos EUA, o Reino Unido, pretendem que todas as pessoas, com salário ou sem, e que vão trabalhar com crianças ou pessoas vulneráveis, têm de ser registadas obrigatóriamente numa base de dados.

Bem Vindos à Nova (Des)Ordem Mundial.

ECHELON - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
ECHELON is a name used in global media and in popular culture to describe a signals intelligence collection and analysis network operated on behalf of the five signatory states to the UKUSA agreement; Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and the United States, known as AUSCANZUKUS.[1]

The system has been reported in a number of public sources.[2] Its capabilities and political implications were investigated by a committee of the European Parliament during 2000 and 2001 with a report published in 2001.[3]

In its report, the European Parliament states that the term ECHELON is used in a number of contexts, but that the evidence presented indicates that it was the name for a signals intelligence collection system. The report concludes that, on the basis of evidence presented, ECHELON was capable of interception and content inspection of telephone calls, fax, e-mail and other data traffic globally through the interception of communication bearers including satellite transmission, public switched telephone networks and microwave links. The committee further concluded that "the technical capabilities of the system are probably not nearly as extensive as some sections of the media had assumed".[3]
World+dog ignores Sweden's Draconian wiretap bill | The Register
Sweden is on the verge of passing a far-reaching wiretapping program that would greatly expand the government's spying capabilities by permitting it to monitor all email and telephone traffic coming in and out of the country.

So far, hacks from the mainstream Swedish press seem to be on holiday, so news about the proposed law is woefully hard to come by. That leaves us turning to this summary from the decidedly left-leaning Swedish Pirate Party for details. We'd prefer to rely on a more neutral group, but that wasn't possible this time. According to them, here's a broad outline:

The En anpassad försvarsunderrättelseverksamhet bill (which loosely translates to "a better adapted military intelligence gathering") gives Sweden's National Defence Radio Establishment (FRA) direct access to the traffic passing through its borders. Now remember, we're talking about the internet, which frequently routes packets though multiple geographically dispersed hops before they reach their final destination.

This all but guarantees that emails and voice over IP (VoIP) calls between Swedes will routinely be siphoned into a massive monitoring machine. And we wouldn't be surprised if traffic between parties with no tie to the country regularly passes through Sweden's border as well, and that too would be fair game. (For example, email sent from a BT address in London to Finland is likely to pass through Sweden first.)

Once intercepted, the data will be searched for certain keywords, and those that contain the words will be pulled aside for additional scrutiny. A broad array of organizations will have use of the system, including the Department of Transportation, the Department of Agriculture, the police, secret service and customs, and in some cases major businesses. The bill allows Swedes to be singled out, as well.
World+dog ignores Sweden's Draconian wiretap bill | The Register
"Surprisingly enough, there hasn't been that much written about it, even in the Swedish media," said Patrik Runald, a Swedish national and a security response manager for F-Secure who works in San Jose, California.

"The funny thing is when asked what do you want to look for, [backers of the bill] don't really specify what they're interested in," he continued. "It's a very broad bill. They basically can interpret whatever they like."
Kremlin Rules - It Isn’t Magic - Putin Opponents Vanish From TV - Series - NYTimes.com
MOSCOW — On a talk show last fall, a prominent political analyst named Mikhail G. Delyagin had some tart words about Vladimir V. Putin. When the program was later televised, Mr. Delyagin was not.
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Kremlin Rules

In a still frame from video, the incomplete digital erasure of a Putin critic named Mikhail G. Delyagin from an episode of the program "The People Want to Know" can be seen. Mr. Delyagin's leg and hand remain visible, to the right of the man holding the microphone.

Not only were his remarks cut — he was also digitally erased from the show, like a disgraced comrade airbrushed from an old Soviet photo. (The technicians may have worked a bit hastily, leaving his disembodied legs in one shot.)

Mr. Delyagin, it turned out, has for some time resided on the so-called stop list, a roster of political opponents and other critics of the government who have been barred from TV news and political talk shows by the Kremlin.

The stop list is, as Mr. Delyagin put it, “an excellent way to stifle dissent.”

It is also a striking indication of how Mr. Putin has increasingly relied on the Kremlin-controlled TV networks to consolidate power, especially in recent elections
A quarter of UK adults to go on child protection database | The Register
“The death of informality”. That was how Josie Appleton, convenor of the Manifesto Club, described the results of the second government consultation on the Independent Safeguarding Authority (ISA).

The ISA is the child of the Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006.

From next year, all those who wish to work, either paid or unpaid, with children or vulnerable adults will need to be vetted. Those who fail the vetting will be barred from obtaining such work. Individuals who seek to work in these areas, knowing that they have been barred, will be committing a criminal offence. Registration will cost £64 per person, although this will be waived for those only wishing to work in an unpaid voluntary capacity. This initiative will be supported by a central database, holding the details of 11.3 million people, or slightly more than a quarter of the adult population. This is an increase of nearly 3 million over initial Home Office estimates, making it the most extensive database of its kind in the world. The scheme launch has been put back to next year as a result of ‘concerns about data security’ and extra work needed to ensure its database was ‘robust’.

The ISA is due to take up its full responsibilities in October 2009. It recently announced its appointment of a board to supervise future work, under the chairmanship of Roger Singleton, former chief executive at Barnardo’s. Concern focuses on two areas.

According to Appleton, who is co-ordinating a national campaign against this new legislation, 'The vetting database is based on the misconception that it is possible for the state to regulate every interaction between adults and children. If only 'state-approved' adults can relate to children, we'll see the death of the many informal clubs, societies and nurseries that are so important for children's development.'

1 comment:

Diogo said...

A melhor resposta às escutas é colocar toda a gente a falar. O barulho resultante é ensurdecedor para ouvidos humanos ou electrónicos. Se toda a gente falar na Internet sobre as aldrabices, será inútil fazer escutas.